Your contributions are what make our neighborhood a great place to live, learn, work, and play. Meet your neighbors, get informed, and invest in your community today.

Take pride in your neighborhood by becoming a member. Enjoy valuable local discounts and stay informed through our newsletter. Your membership fee supports our work and is tax deductible.

Contributions of all sizes make a big impact for our 501(c)3 organization. Your donations are tax deductible and very much appreciated.

There are many opportunities for you to get involved in the neighborhood! We host schools, employees and other work groups in one-day events. We also have ways individuals can get involved. 


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Support West Grand Neighborhood Organization by adding us as your Favorite charity when you sell and shop on @eBay. Go to West Grand Neighborhood Organization on Ebay for Charity #eBayforcharity


Taking surveys is a great way to get your voice heard.  Please consider filling out these polls to help us better serve you!